Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Dream Generator

Can't sleep?

So, what do you do? You can read, play games, web-surf, watch a boring TV program, count sheep, or just stare at your ceiling until either sleep or madness consumes you.

Me? I turn to the Dream Generator. This method, which I have successfully been using for years, requires a great deal of patience but once you let your mind drift, so will you to sleepsville.

How it works:

Once you're comfortable and ready for bed, close your eyes and let your mind wander. I like to ask myself questions like "What if I won the lottery?" or "What would I do if I had super powers?" These types of questions give my imagination a starting point. Then, I think about what I would do and all the possibilities until eventually, my "unconscious" steps in and I stop thinking and start dreaming.

Sometimes, if I'm or about something, these negative thoughts creep into my "Dream Generator" process and prevent me from falling asleep. I bust out the big guns when this happens. A compilation of classical/instrumental music strategically placed on my IPOD awaits to boost my imagination some more. Generally, the melodies are from movies or shows (mainly Korean dramas cause they're so heart-wrenching, yet sweet) that had some emotional affect on me. Sounds from the TV work, as well. Once I can get my mind off the trials and tribulations of my Persona, I can start to relax and, soon enough, fall asleep.

The only problem with the Dream Generator is assessing the validity of your dreams the next day. Did I dream of those things because I was thinking about them or are they important themes that my unconscious is trying to tell me about myself? (One of those questions I'll ask myself on the train ride to work the next morning if the dream had an impact on me.)


Anywho, hope to have more sleep logs for you, soon.

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