Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Dream Killer...


The weirdest thing happened last night...

I didn't dream.... of ANYTHING

I tried producing images in my head but to no avail ... tried leaving the TV on in hopes the sounds would induce thought bubbles filled with blue omelette's running through a field of caramelized onion lilies with bread and butter flies buzzing about.
(whoa, brain explosion!)

Who's to blame? Or...what?

Robitussin (supposedly non-drowsy cough suppressant)

Have you ever had one of those nights where you're suffering from a bad cold/flu and you've hopped on the train to drowsy's ville off cold-medicine? I find this to be the perfect conditions for CRAZY DREAMS AND SLEEP-TALKING. Generally, this is the time when I have dreams like the aforementioned scenario.



Robitussin is a dream killer.

As weird and somewhat creepy this sounds, I've decided I must invest in a digital voice recorder. Till then, beware of robitussin and sleep comfy, my friends.

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